Club Constitution


To build bridges between young people, parents guardians, relatives, friends and the community. To relate the world of football sport into a discipline of life, thus as individuals and as a club, we have clear ‘Goals’ to achieve - serving each other.



1.1       Will be called ‘CHAPELTOWN ATHLETIC JUNIOR FOOTBALL AND SOCIAL CLUB’. And hereafter be known as the Club.

1.2       Will be affiliated to the Sheffield and Hallamshire County FA

1.3       Will play in the appropriate area “Junior League”

1.4       Will be a democratic body.

1.5       Will annually elect Officers; Chairman, General Secretary, Fundraising/social Coordinator, Sponsorship/kit Co-ordinator, General Manager, Child Welfare and Website Administrator.

1.6       The Officers and Team Managers or their representative will constitute as the Clubs MANAGING BODY.

1.7       The elected Officers will constitute the MANAGING EXECUTIVE.

1.8       The MANAGING BODY will meet monthly and democratically and make decisions in running the Club’s Affairs. Subscriptions must be paid to the Treasurer. A copy of subs/played/training records must be handed in to the Treasurer, General Manager and Chairman on this day. Failure to hand in the said records will result in a £10 fine

1.8a     Teams not represented at General Monthly Meeting will be fined £10. Two missed consecutive meetings will result in a £30 fine. Teams not represented at three meetings over the season will appear before the disciplinary committee.   

1.9       The Chairman and the General Manager or when necessary, other Executive Officers deemed will have the power to act collectively in the interest of the Club.          

1.10     The Ethos and Aspirations of the Club will be upheld by all members of the Club.            

1.11     All major decisions including sponsorship and fund-raising must be democratically decided on by the MANAGING BODY and a quorum will constitute of 2/3rds of regular attendees at monthly meetings.   

1.12     In the event of the Club ceasing to exist as a Club, or ceasing to have central finances being controlled by the Club Treasurer and Executive, the full amount of investment in the bank accounts at that time will be frozen for a period of 6 months. During this time any team may apply to the Executive Committee for funding to set up their own ‘Club’. Receipts will be required to balance the Clubs accounts. After the said period of 6 months all funds remaining in the aforementioned bank accounts will be donated to local children’s charities.           

1.13     Parents/Carers of every player are expected to donate some time at fundraising events



2.1       The role of CHAIRPERSON will be seen as a figurehead that ensures decisions are made and no meeting will ensue without the Chairperson's knowledge. The Chairperson has the casting vote.

2.2       The TREASURER will keep ordered accounts that will be presented annually. It would be expected by the MANAGING BODY that the Treasurer submit a verbal report when the MANAGING BODY requires it, and a monthly statement of accounts are to be presented to the MANAGING EXECUTIVE.  The Treasurer will discuss with the executive committee how funds are invested and administered, as and when required. The Treasurer will operate and be the main signatory of the club bank accounts. Where 2 or more signatures are required then the Chairperson or General Secretary or General Manager will countersign. The Treasurer will be authorised by the MANAGING EXECUTIVE to transact on these accounts as sole signatory when using facilities which require only one authorising signature, such as Internet Banking.

2.3       The GENERAL SECRETARY will be responsible for all day to day business including correspondence inbound and outbound with County FA, League and the Club (County FA and the League will not accept any correspondence unless signed by the General Secretary or their appointed nominee)

2.4       The GENERAL MANAGER will be responsible for the day-to-day running of the Club’s activities and will co-ordinate the Club’s aspirations.

2.5       The SOCIAL & FUND RAISING CO-ORDINATORS will be responsible for all the Clubs Social and fundraising activities. They will report to the Executive and Managing Body.

2.6       The WELFARE OFFICER will hold training seminars for all Club members when appropriate and will work to FA guidelines. The Welfare Officer will hold a full Executive position.

2.7       The SPONSORSHIP AND KIT CO-ORDINATOR will organise all Club Sponsorship including any event taking place that requires sponsorship. No sponsorship will be entered into without the authorisation of the co-ordinator.

2.8       The WEBSITE ADMINISTRATOR will oversee the running of the website and distribute a newsletter as and when required.



3.1       Each team will have appointed by the MANAGING EXECUTIVE, a MANAGER and an ASSISTANT MANAGER who will require an up to date CRB check

3.1a     Each team must have a qualified level one coach who will require an up to date CRB check. The coaches name and date of course will be kept as a record by the club.

3.1b     Each team must appoint a social/fundraising representative. Any team not represented at the social/fundraising meeting will be fined £10.00 per meeting. Social representatives to attend meetings when arranged.

3.2       The Managers will be responsible to the MANAGING EXECUTIVE.

3.3       The Managers will at all times, maintain the general ethos of the Club.

3.4       Managers are responsible for the day-to-day running of the teams, promotions, coaching, correspondence and the collection of subscriptions.

3.5       Managers will have the freedom in the selection of players but must adhere to team rules.

3.6       Managers will submit to the MANAGING EXECUTIVE, in writing prior to any player that he/she wishes to de-register from the team accompanied by an acceptable reason.

3.7       The Club will provide a team kit every two years once the team has exhausted all avenues of sponsorship. Any subsequent sponsorship will go to the club until the cost of the kit has been met.

3.8       All teams will be supplied with a kit: shirt, shorts, socks every two seasons.

3.8a     No kit shall be purchased without the authorisation of the Executive committee.

3.9       Each team must always have a suitable FA kit.

3.10     Managers will be responsible for their team kit, which should be collected in at the end of the season for distribution the following season. Manufacturing faults will be replaced by the club. 3.11        Each team will be provided with a suitable first aid kit which must be carried at all times, matches and training.

3.12     All properties issued by the club to any player/team of the club must be returned in full if the player/team leaves the club, failure to do so will result in the player/team being reported to county F.A. and a possibility of the said not being allowed to play until the properties are returned.

3.12a   The Club will pay for any course i.e. level 1/2, first aid etc. anyone attending these courses are expected to stay a minimum of 2 yearsafterwards. Anyone leaving the Club prior to this time must reimburse the Club for the course, on a pro rata basis.

3.12b   Any development will be assessed on a case by case basis by the executive, and will be subject to finical investment by the person undertaking the development.



4.1       Every player must be registered to the appropriate league.

4.2       Every player will be advised of their rights of registration.

4.3       Every player will automatically be insured when they are registered with the Club.

4.4       Every player will conduct themselves responsibly and maintain the ethos of the Club whilst adhering to the respect agenda.

4.5       Every player will be expected to attend regular ‘weekly training’ sessions.
4.6       Players who do not attend regular weekly training excluding holidays will only be considered to start a match if there is a shortage.
4.7       Parents/players are expected to inform managers if their child cannot attend training and/or matches by arrangements made with their manager.
4.8       Any person that fails to adhere to club constitution will be dismissed from the club and if appropriate reported to the league and the FA.
4.9       All players will pay the fixed subscription by the fixed monthly date. All monies to be paid to the manager by the fixed dates in order that the manager can pay monies owed at the following monthly meeting. If payments are not made by the fixed date, the player will be suspended. Any manager that plays a suspended player will be required to explain their reasons to the Executive and bring the players subs up to date from team funds. Any players subs not paid to the club by the last set date will be paid to the club from team funds. Players leaving the club with outstanding subs will be reported to County FA who may suspend the player. All kit must also be returned to the club upon leaving.

4.9b     All subs need to be cleared before a player will be eligible to collect their trophy on presentation night. Any player in arrears with subs will not be considered eligible to register the following season.

4.10     All players, managers, parents etc will be responsible for paying their own fines.

4.11     Players who experience hardship when paying subscriptions can submit their case in confidence to the MANAGING EXECUTIVE by letter directly. Each case will be judged accordingly to the criteria set out by the Executive.

4.12     Every registered player is entitled to play TEN HALF league or cup match games per season, (Whistle to Whistle), and every Manager will uphold this rule. A FULL GAME IS NOT TWO HALF GAMES.

4.12b  All parents will be given and retain a subs payment card when registering. This needs to be dated and signed by the team manager every time a payment is made.

4.13     At the end of each season all teams are to submit an audited income/expenditure sheet signed by two individual parents, on monies raised for their team and a copy to be given to parents and Executive Members.

4.14     Each newly formed team and existing team with more than 25% new players will hold a parents meeting between Monday and Thursday before the end of October. If any other manager/parent wishes to call a meeting they can request one in writing through the Chairperson. 2 executive officers will be in attendance at all meetings.

4.15     The Club does not operate a ‘trials’ policy for entry into any team within The Club and Managers must uphold this rule. No manager will be allowed to release a player without the full approval of the executive. Cases will be judged on discipline, attitude, child protection and commitment in line with club policies.

4.16     Managers must ensure that all players are registered to The Club before they can play or train with the club and registration cards must be submitted to the General Secretary by the arranged date along with the non-refundable bond

4.17     Although we do not trial, to reserve your place within a team the registration card must be returned to the club secretary by the 1st July.



5.1       The Club exists to develop the art of football amongst young people and to raise their Social Awareness.

5.2       Its primary interest is in serving the young people of Chapeltown and the surrounding areas.

5.3       It fosters goodwill, personal discipline, courtesy and sportsmanship.

5.4       It encourages fair play at all times.

5.5       It puts loyalty of the player above attaining excellence.

5.6       It puts fun and comradeship as a goal to achieve before the goals of winning at all costs.

5.7       It encourages the development of the individual rather than chasing titles.

5.8       It encourages success of winning only when the ethos of the Club is fulfilled.

5.9       It encourages players to play for only ONE club.

5.10     It encourages and embraces the need to foster mutual understanding and tolerance amongst all members

5.11     It expects positive and encouraging support to be given to all players at all times  



All Players/Parents/Guardians must agree with the statement below and sign the relevant statement at the rear of this booklet before they will be registered with the appropriate league


6.1       Before the commencement of any new season every Parent/Player signs a ‘prepared’ statement that they have read and accept the CONSTITUTION of this Club. No Parent/Player will be accepted into this Club without that written statement being signed. Such a signed Statement by all Players will ACKNOWLEDGE that they are “insured” against PERMANENT INJURY whilst training/playing in games under the Clubs name. THE GENERAL SECRETARY will record such a register and any Manager/ Officer not pursuing this policy will be disciplined

6.2       Parents must inform their MANAGER and GENERAL SECRETARY of any injury either after training or a match which requires Hospital treatment. This must be done within 24 hours.

6.3       Every Parent/Player should sign with one witness a statement that in the event of any personal injury to their child, on the field or off whilst under the jurisdiction of the Club. That no legal redress would be made upon The Club or any Officers of the Club. Failure to sign such a declaration would prohibit that child being registered with the Club.

6.4       Major Awards given out at presentation evenings shall be signed for to agree reimbursement of any lost or damaged trophies.


The Club believes that ‘football is fun, win or lose’. And believes that membership of The Club helps children and young people develop friendships, respect for themselves and others and self esteem. The Club officials will endeavour to foster a climate in which this can happen.

The Club is committed to creating and preserving the safest possible environment for children to play football.

It is the duty of the Executive Committee, Team managers, Trainers and any other individual directly or indirectly, involved with the club or any of it’s teams to be aware of and help prevent any form of abuse which children can suffer. (neglect, physical, emotional or sexual). 

The Club accepts that children’s welfare and safety is paramount, and that all children/young people whatever their age, culture, disability, gender or religious belief, have the right to protection from abuse.

All suspicions and allegations of any form of abuse will be taken seriously and responded to swiftly and appropriately in accordance with The Club’s child protection guidelines.

If you have any concerns regarding any child or situation, please phone the Welfare Officer on 01142451153 or General Secretary on 0114 2451153.

Useful link:



7.1       Any alterations to the constitution must be done at the A.G.M. and submitted in writing to the General Secretary at least 28 Days prior to the A.G.M. The MANAGING EXECUTIVE will publish an update of Managing Body “rules”.

7.2       All nominations for official positions must be submitted to The General Secretary at least 14 Days prior to the A.G.M.

7.2a     Any person nominated for the position of Treasurer must have been involved with the Club for a minimum of 3 years and will be appointed by the Executive Committee.

7.3       One parent one vote. Discretionary votes can be given by the Managing Body to an active Club person who has a non subscription-paying child involved with the Club.

7.4       All reasonable expenses will be reimbursed at the AGM to officers taking on exceeding and demanding responsibilities. These being: The General Secretary, Chairperson, Treasurer, General Manager, Social Co-ordinator, Sponsorship/kit Co-ordinator, Website Editor and Welfare Officer at the pursuing AGM dependant on the fulfilment of duties.




The following code of conduct has been developed to give guidelines to club officials, managers/coaches, players and parents as to what is expected of them and what they can expect of the club.


Club/Team officials

Team Officials must abide by Sheffield and Hallamshire rules regarding codes of conduct and anyone found in breach of those rules and/or bringing the Club into disrepute shall be dealt with by the Managing Executive.

The Club and its officials:

          Exist to develop the art of football amongst young people and to raise social awareness.

          Are primarily interested in serving the young people of Chapeltown and district.

          Fosters goodwill, personal discipline, courtesy, sportsmanship and fair play.

          Puts loyalty of the player above attaining excellence.

          Puts fun, comradeship and loyalty as goals to achieve before winning.

          Encourages the development of the individual rather than chasing titles.

          Encourages success of winning only when the ethos of the Club is fulfilled.

          Encourages players to play for only ONE club.

          Encourages and embraces the need to foster mutual understanding and tolerance to all.


All club/team officials must promote the ethos and encourage fairness within the Club at all levels.



Coaches/Managers should at all times maintain the general ethos of the club (see club constitution). Coaches/Managers are responsible to the Managing Executive.

Coaches/Managers have freedom in the selection of players but must adhere to team rules.

The Club does not operate trials for entry into any team within Chapeltown Athletic.  Managers/Coaches must actively encourage and develop players before excellence achievement. Verbal or physical abuse by coaches/managers to others will not be tolerated, matters arising should be reported to the Managing Executive for action.

All coaches/managers are required to attend coaching, first aid and child protection courses.

All coaches and managers must actively promote fairness in their teams, seeking advice from the Club officials where necessary to ensure this occurs.  



Good behaviour is expected at all times when representing the club.

Any player bringing the club‘s name into disrepute will be disciplined where appropriate.

Any player that is reported to the league for discipline will be reported to the managing body. Verbal or physical abuse by club players to others will not be tolerated and will be dealt with by the Managing Executive.

Players should expect to be treated with respect by managers, coaches, parents and peers.

Every player should conduct themselves responsibly and maintain the ethos of the club.

Players should make every attempt to attend training sessions – those who do not attend regular training sessions should only be considered to start play in a match if there is a shortage. This is to foster commitment to the team and team involvement.

Every registered player is entitled to play, as a minimum, ten half match games (league or cup) per season, and every coach/manager should uphold this.

Players are expected to show loyalty and commitment to the team they represent and to the club. Players are encouraged to show respect and to foster fair play on and off the pitch to fellow players, opposition teams and all parents/spectators.



Parents and spectators must abide by Sheffield and Hallamshire rules regarding codes of conduct and anyone found in breach of those rules, and therefore bringing the club into disrepute shall be dealt with by the Managing Executive.


Verbal or physical abuse by parents/spectators will not be tolerated and will result in expulsion from the club.